Category Archives: Top Stories

Millions Of Americans Believe This About Chocolate Milk

Apparently joking with your kids that chocolate milk comes from brown cows is something that will stick with them for life, as the US National Dairy Council just found out. Taking a study, the trade association discovered that seven percent of Americans believe this falsehood, which translates to roughly 16.4 million people. Cecily Upton, the…MORE

BREAKING NEWS: Beilein Leaving Michigan to Coach Cleveland Cavaliers

In breaking news today John Beilein basketball coach for the Michigan Wolverines has announced that he is leaving the University to head to the NBA. According to ESPN he has agreed to a 5 year deal with the Cleveland Cavaliers. ESPN’s Adrian Wojnarowski tweeted about the move and also added “Talks escalated over the weekend, with a deal…MORE

CBD and DVDs At Michigan Family Videos

Talk about a one stop shop! In a press release sent out by Family Video more than 70 Family Video stores in Michigan are now carrying CBD products. No this doesn’t mean they are now selling weed, CBD is a derivative of the cannabis plant and will not get you high but will help with pain relief…MORE

FCC Warns of “One Ring” Scam

Hold on just a minute before you hit that call back button! According to the FCC there’s a new scam and if you’re too quick it could cost you. The FCC warns these, so-called “One Ring,” calls attempt to coerce users into calling back – only resulting in toll charges – such as with 900…MORE

WARNING: Man Soliciting Allendale Women For Bogus Wrestling Event

Heads up ladies in Allendale! Multiple women have reported a man coming up to them asking if they’d like to come to the Sleep Inn to participate in a “wrestling” event…. it has happened at several locations in the area. Rochelle Dozeman local woman of the area was approached by what she dubbed a ‘creepy…MORE

NHL Commissioner Says Banning Hits to Head Impossible

NHL commissioner Gary Bettman told a parliamentary panel that banning any kind of head contact in hockey would be impossible to enforce and would most likely lead to the end of all hits in hockey. The government wants the ban to prevent serious head injuries but Bettman got hot while speaking to parliament, saying that…MORE

Astronaut, GR Native Shouts Out Michigan From Space

When your an astronaut from Michigan you have to do a photo shout out from space, because I mean let’s be honest our state is pretty easy to pick out from space! Christina Koch a GR native is on a record breaking flight in space. She left in December and will be up there for 11…MORE

Salmonella Outbreak In Michigan Linked To Melons Sickening 117 People

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released that there has been an outbreak of salmonella that is linked to precut melon and has made 117 people sick. The CDC and the Food and Drug Administration say the likely source of the outbreak is Caito Foods LLC in Illinois. This type of precut melon is sold at Kroger, Target,…MORE

Witness Says He Paid Football Players At Michigan

At the second trial in the federal investigation into college-basketball corruption Marty Blazer former Pittsburgh-based financial adviser testified that he paid football players at a number of schools, including Michigan, between 2000-2013. He did not offer specific regarding names of football players but some of the schools implicated include Penn State, Pitt, Notre Dame, Alabama and North Carolina.…MORE

Grand Rapids Studio Park Project Announces First Restaurants and Retailers

It is hard to miss the big construction project going on at the intersection of Oakes Street SW and Ionia Avenue SW. It is expected to open in September and will include a movie complex, restaurant, apartments, retail, office space, a hotel, a parking garage and a 200-seat live music venue. A lot of rumors…MORE
